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We now have 100'000'000'000'070 certified Dorgs. See proof below!!
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Here is the canonical form: 1. Take something that resembles a piece of paper 2. Write Title: IQSTD Certification 3. Assemble the question, which is a "?" 4. Write the possible multiple choice answers in the following form 1) Yes B) Yes 5. Write a line for the date 6. Write a line for your signature 7. Answer the question by crossing the right answer 8. Self-Certify by signing the document 9. Take a picture of the certification 10. Send out a tweet expressing your joy with the hashtag #IQSTD

Here is the canonical form:

  1. Take something that resembles a piece of paper

  2. Write Title: IQSTD Certification

  3. Assemble the question, which is a "?"

  4. Write the possible multiple choice answers in the following form 1) Yes B) Yes

  5. Write a line for the date

  6. Write a line for your signature

  7. Answer the question by crossing the right answer

  8. Self-Certify by signing the document

  9. Take a picture of the certification

  10. Send out a tweet expressing your joy with the hashtag #IQSTD

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